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The Science Behind Take Charge

Take Charge is based on scientific research about how to effectively manage pain. Below is some basic information on what research tells us about effective pain management. Remember, Take Charge is not a substitute for medical care, rehabilitation therapy orindividual counseling. It is designed to help you work with your doctors, therapists, and others to prevent pain from controlling your life.

About Pain Management

Pain impacts your body, mind, and activity. Science has shown that pain is complex and affects many part of your life. Because pain is a stressor, pain impacts your body as stress hormones are released which leads to muscle tension, fatigue, and sleep problems. Pain also impacts your mind because it disrupts your concentration and leads to negative thinking and worry. These negative thoughts can eventually make you feel overwhelmed, sad, angry or anxious. Finally, pain can change your activity level. You may do less in order to avoid making the pain worse, or you may not able to work or spend time with others enjoying life.

Effective pain management addresses the body, mind, and activity. Because pain affects many parts of your health and life, you need a pain management approach that covers them all. Medications and physical or occupational therapy help the body recover. To help your mind – you can learn to relax and avoid negative thinking. Learning to balance rest and activity helps keep you active.

Early intervention can make a difference. It is easier to control pain before it becomes a chronic problem and slows down your recovery.

Effective pain management requires you to do your part. Health professionals can help treat a pain problem, but they can’t do it alone. You also play an important part in your recovery. Taking a self-management approach to your treatment leads to better pain control.